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Connect a Universal Profile

There are several methods to connect to a Universal Profile, each catering to different developer requirements and scenarios. Below, we detail the most common approaches and explain why a developer might prefer one over the others.

Connecting to the Universal Profile Browser Extension will trigger the following connection screen:

Example of UP Connection Screen
Request Handling

The Universal Profile Extension returns the address of the connected Universal Profile. Making transactions is the same as with any wallet, you just use the profile address as a from in your transactions.

Connect with EIP-6963​

Wallet Compatability

Using EIP-6963 Provider Discovery is the latest industry standardization, solving previous connectivity issues when having multiple wallet extensions installed at the same time.

You can listen to eip6963:announceProvider events following the EIP-6963: Multi Injected Provider standardization to facilitate a more versatile connection to multiple wallet extensions. This method is beneficial for developers who require the ability to maintain low-level control over how different extensions are targeted and managed within their dApp.

let providers = [];

window.addEventListener("eip6963:announceProvider", (event) => {

// Request installed providers
window.dispatchEvent(new Event("eip6963:requestProvider"));


// pick a provider to instantiate (providers[n].info)
const provider = new Web3(providers[0].provider);

const accounts = await provider.eth.requestAccounts();
console.log('Connected with', accounts[0]);
Example Implementation

If you want to implement Injected Provider Discovery you can visit our Example EIP-6963 Test dApp.

Multi-Provider Libraries​

You can use third-party libraries like Web3Modal from Wallet Connect or Web3-Onboard from Blocknative. Both libraries come with built-in UI elements and allow you to connect to various wallet extensions with ease. This method is beneficial if you want to support multiple extensions without them all supporting EIP-6963.

Example Implementation

If you want to implement a Multi-Provider Library, you can follow our Multi-Provider Connections Guide or check out the implementation within our dApp Boilerplate.

Use Provider Injection​

You can use the window.lukso object, tailored for a direct integration with the UP Browser Extension. This approach allows developers to engage directly with the UP Browser Extension without the need to consider compatibility with other extensions.

npm install ethers
import { ethers } from 'ethers';
const provider = new ethers.BrowserProvider(window.lukso);

const accounts = await provider.send('eth_requestAccounts', []);
console.log('Connected with', accounts[0]);
Wallet Compatibility

Alternatively to the window.lukso, the equivalent window.ethereum object can be called within supported browsers, just like other Ethereum wallets. Both follow the EIP-1193 Ethereum Provider JavaScript API. You can use a simple fallback to allow regular wallet connections, if the Universal Profile Browser Extension is not installed:

const providerObject = window.lukso || window.ethereum;
const provider = new ethers.BrowserProvider(providerObject);