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Indexer developer access

🔓 Private Beta access

This feature is currently in private beta. If you are interested, please contact us.

If you are building on LUKSO, you can request a developer access to our indexer. This will allow you to query Universal Profiles and LSP7/8 assets.


example of Algolia search

Our backend system indexes profiles and assets and sends the data to Algolia.

You can use the following Algolia API key to build a quick search engine for Universal Profiles and/or assets (as seen on the screenshot above). This is the technology that powers the search bar on

API_KEY = [request it from us]


  • prod_mainnet_assets
  • prod_testnet_assets
  • prod_mainnet_universal_profiles
  • prod_testnet_universal_profiles

Access Control Lists (ACLs):

  • search



We provide the following API to help you get the nice information about the profiles and assets:

GET /v1/:chainId/address/:address

Return LSP4 - Digital Asset Metadata or LSP3 - Profile Metadata. Loads data directly from Algolia and caches it for a while. Adding /TOKENID at the end will retrieve tokenId data for LSP8 tokens.

GET /v1/:chainId/stats

Get statistics of profile and asset indexes for the particular chain.

GET /ipfs/:cid*

Return content from IPFS gateways.