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Deploying a Digital Asset

LSPFactory enables developers to easily deploy LSP7 and LSP8 Digital Asset smart contracts for their fungible token or NFT 2.0 use cases.

To deploy a mintable LSP7 Digital Asset:

await lspFactory.LSP7DigitalAsset.deploy(digitalAssetProperties [, options]);

To deploy a mintable LSP8 Identifiable Digital Asset:

await lspFactory.LSP8IdentifiableDigitalAsset.deploy(digitalAssetProperties [, options]);

By default LSPFactory deploys the Mintable implementation of LSP7 and LSP8 digital assets. To call the mint function import the LSP7Mintable or LSP8Mintable abi from the lsp-smart-contracts library.

Deploying an NFT 2.0

The LSP7 and LSP8 Digital Assets standards can both be used for NFT 2.0 contracts.

LSP7 NFT 2.0

The LSP7 standard can be useful for NFT collections where you want all tokens to have the same metadata. For example a collection of digital clothing items.

LSP7 is based on the ERC20 token standard and can be used as an NFT 2.0 contract by setting the isNFT constructor value to true when deploying. This will set the contract decimals value to 0 so that all tokens are indivisible.

await lspFactory.LSP7DigitalAsset.deploy({
isNFT: true,
controllerAddress: '0x56fE4E7dc2bc0b6397E4609B07b4293482E3F72B',
name: 'MYTOKEN'
symbol: 'DEMO',

To deploy an LSP7 NFT 2.0 smart contract, the isNFT parameter must be set to true when deploying. If isNFT is set to false the token decimals value will be set to 18 meaning they can be fractionalized.

LSP8 NFT 2.0

LSP8 can be useful for cases where all NFTs in a collection are unique and have their own metadata. For example an avatar collection where all tokens have a different appearance.

LSP8 is based on the ERC721 token standard used for NFT contracts. Each LSP8 token has its own unique tokenId and metadata that describes its uniqueness.

await lspFactory.LSP8IdentifiableDigitalAsset.deploy({
controllerAddress: '0x56fE4E7dc2bc0b6397E4609B07b4293482E3F72B',
name: 'MYTOKEN'
symbol: 'DEMO',

Deploying a Fungible Token

To deploy a fungible token contract use the LSP7 standard. LSP7 is based on the ERC20 token standard, though is improved by allowing token contracts to have their own metadata via its ERC725Y key value store and LSP4 Digital Asset Metadata.

await lspFactory.LSP7DigitalAsset.deploy(digitalAssetProperties [, options]);
await lspFactory.LSP7DigitalAsset.deploy({
isNFT: false,
controllerAddress: '0x56fE4E7dc2bc0b6397E4609B07b4293482E3F72B',
name: 'MYTOKEN',
symbol: 'DEMO',

When deploying, set the isNFT value to false. This will set the decimals value on the token contract to 18, allowing tokens to be fractionalized.

Digital Asset Properties

Inside the digitalAssetProperties object, you can set digital assset configuration options such as the controller address and LSP4 metadata.

LSP7 and LSP8 share the same constructor parameters, however LSP7 has an additional parameter isNFT used to set the decimals value on the contract to 0 or 18.

await lspFactory.LSP7DigitalAsset.deploy({
isNFT: false,
controllerAddress: '0x56fE4E7dc2bc0b6397E4609B07b4293482E3F72B',
name: 'MYTOKEN'
symbol: 'DEMO',
await lspFactory.LSP8IdentifiableDigitalAsset.deploy({
controllerAddress: '0x56fE4E7dc2bc0b6397E4609B07b4293482E3F72B',
name: 'MYTOKEN'
symbol: 'DEMO',

use the isNFT parameter on LSP7 to deploy an NFT 2.0 or token contract.

Controller Address

Set the address which should own your digital asset contract by passing the controllerAddress parameter. LSPFactory will transfer the token contract to the address specified here after setting the LSP4 metadata on the smart contract.

Adding LSP4 Metadata

LSP7 and LSP8 both adhere to the LSP4 Digital Asset Metadata standard. Developers can specify the LSP4Metadata by setting the name, symbol, digitalAssetMetadata and creators keys when deploying with LSPFactory.

await lspFactory.LSP8IdentifiableDigitalAsset.deploy({
controllerAddress: '0x56fE4E7dc2bc0b6397E4609B07b4293482E3F72B',
name: 'MYTOKEN'
symbol: 'DEMO',
creators: ['0x7Ab53a0C861fb955050A8DA109eEeA5E61fd8Aa4', '0x6c1F3Ed2F99054C88897e2f32187ef15c62dC560'],
digitalAssetMetadata: {
description: 'My NFT 2.0'

The name and symbol keys are passed as deployment constructor parameters. These values will set the LSP4TokenName and LSP4TokenSymbol ERC725Y keys directly on the contract during deployment.

Addresses passed inside the creators array will be set under the LSP4Creators[] ERC725Y key.


LSPFactory does not set the LSP3IssuedAssets key on any Universal Profile when deploying a digital asset. This key will have to be updated seperately.

Digital Asset Metadata

Further Digital Asset metadata can be added by passing the digitalAssetMetadata parameter. This is metadata stored as JSON on a server and referenced from the contract by the LSP4Metadata ERC725Y key.


Digital Asset Metadata can be passed as either a JSON object containing the LSP4Metadata you want to upload or a URL of your previously uploaded metadata.

If LSP4Metadata is passed as an object, LSPFactory will process and upload your metadata to IPFS.


See Upload Options for details on how to specify a custom IPFS gateway.

Deploying an LSP8 Digital Asset with description and links set in the LSP4Metadata JSON
await lspFactory.LSP8IdentifiableDigitalAsset.deploy({
digitalAssetMetadata: {
description: "My Digital Asset",
links: [{
title: "LUKSO Docs",
url: ""

LSP4 Metadata can also be passed with the LSP4Metadata key:

Passing LSP4Metadata key
await lspFactory.LSP8IdentifiableDigitalAsset.deploy({
digitalAssetMetadata: {
LSP4Metadata: {
description: "My Digital Asset",
links: [{
title: "LUKSO Docs",
url: ""

Alternatively digitalAssetMetadata can be passed as a URL where the LSP4Metadata JSON file is stored. LSPFactory will download the JSON file before hashing it and generate the VerifiableURI value to be stored on the token contract's LSP4Metadata ERC725Y key.

Providing a previously uploaded LSP4 metadata IPFS URL
await lspFactory.LSP8IdentifiableDigitalAsset.deploy({
digitalAssetMetadata: 'ipfs://QmQ7Wq4y2gWiuzB4a4Wd6UiidKNpzCJRpgzFqQwzyq6SsV',
Providing a previously uploaded LSP4 metadata URL
await lspFactory.LSP8IdentifiableDigitalAsset.deploy({
digitalAssetMetadata: '',

You can also provide the JSON file yourself to generate the verification data value:

Providing a previously uploaded LSP4 metadata URL and JSON file itself
await lspFactory.LSP8IdentifiableDigitalAsset.deploy({
digitalAssetMetadata: {
json: lsp3ProfileJson,
url: ''

Or you can provide the verification data value and then uploaded file URL:

Providing a previously uploaded LSP4 metadata URL and verification data values
await lspFactory.LSP8IdentifiableDigitalAsset.deploy({
digitalAssetMetadata: {
verification: {
method: 'keccak256(utf8)',
data: '0xfdafad027ecfe57eb4ad047b938805d1dec209d6e9f960fc320d7b9b11cbed14',
url: ''

Adding Images and Assets

Images and assets can be included in the LSP4 Metadata file by passing them to the images and assets parameters of the digitalAssetMetadata object.

Pre-uploaded Images

If you already have images and assets uploaded to IPFS, you can pass the metadata directly inside the digitalAssetMetadata object. This metadata will then be set in the LSP4DigitalAsset metadata JSON file and uploaded to IPFS.

Images can be passed inside the images parameter. This should contain an array of images related to the Digital Asset in multiple sizes. Image 0 should be the main image.


Each element in the images array should itself be an array where each element is the metadata of different image size.

await lspFactory.LSP8IdentifiableDigitalAsset.deploy({
digitalAssetMetadata: {
images: [
width: 500,
height: 500,
verification: {
method: 'keccak256(bytes)',
data: '0xfdafad027ecfe57eb4ad044b938805d1dec209d6e9f960fc320d7b9b11cced14',
url: 'ipfs://QmPLqMFDxiUgYAom3Zg4SiwoxDaFcZpHXpCmiDzxrajSGp',
... // Multiple sizes of the image should be included
... // Multiple images may be included

An icon can also be passed for the Digital Asset. This should be multiple image sizes of the same icon image.

await lspFactory.LSP8IdentifiableDigitalAsset.deploy({
digitalAssetMetadata: {
icon: [
width: 256,
height: 256,
verification: {
method: 'keccak256(bytes)',
data: '0xfdafad027ecfe57eb4ad044b938805d1dec209d6e9f960fc320d7b9b11cced14',
url: 'ipfs://QmPLqMFDxiUgYAom3Zg4SiwoxDaFcZpHXpCmiDzxrajSGp',
... // Multiple sizes of the icon image should be included

Pre-uploaded Assets

Previously uploaded assets can be included by passing an array of asset metadata in the assets parameter.

await lspFactory.LSP8IdentifiableDigitalAsset.deploy({
digitalAssetMetadata: {
assets: [
verification: {
method: 'keccak256(bytes)',
data: '0xfdafad027ecfe57eb4ad044b938805d1dec209d6e9f960fc320d7b9b11cced14',
url: 'ipfs://QmPLqMFDxiUgYAom3Zg4SiwoxDaFcZpHXpCmiDzxrajSGp',
fileType: 'fbx'

Passing JavaScript File Object

JavaScript offers a File object for easy handling of files inside a browser. Developers can pass this to the images, assets and icon fields to allow easy drag and drop of images from a user interface.


JavaScript's File object is only available when using JavaScript in the browser. If using LSPFactory in a Node.js environment, image metadata should be passed.

<input type="file" id="asset">
<input type="file" id="image">
<input type="file" id="icon">

const myLocalAsset = document.getElementById('asset').files[0];
const myLocalImage = document.getElementById('image').files[0];
const myLocalIcon = document.getElementById('icon').files[0];

await lspFactory.LSP8IdentifiableDigitalAsset.deploy({
digitalAssetMetadata: {
assets: [
images: [
icon: myLocalIcon

LSPFactory will create five resized versions of any passed images, with max sizes of 1800x1800, 1024x1024, 640x640, 320x320, 180x180, or 256x256 and 32x32 if passed as an icon. These resized images will be set inside the LSP4 JSON metadata uploaded to IPFS and attached to the token contract.

Deployment Configuration

Developers can select a unique deployment configuration for their Digital Asset contract using the options parameter. This allows easy deployment of a specific version or implementation of a Digital Asset smart contract by passing the version parameter.

Under the version parameter developers can pass a version number, custom bytecode or a base contract address to be used during deployment. By setting the deployProxy parameter developers can specify whether the contract should be deployed using proxy deployment.


Read more about configuring proxy deployment and contract versioning here.

Passing LSP7DigitalAsset contract options
await lspFactory.LSP7DigitalAsset.deploy({...}, {
LSP7DigitalAsset: {
version: '0x...', // Custom bytecode
deployProxy: false
Passing LSP8IdentifiableDigitalAsset contract options
await lspFactory.LSP8IdentifiableDigitalAsset.deploy({...}, {
LSP8IdentifiableDigitalAsset: {
version: '0x87cd003F9Ac7d6eBcd811f7b427c7dBF6f6ba132', // Custom base contract address
deployProxy: true

Proxy Deployment

By passing the deployProxy parameter developers can determine whether their digital asset smart contract should be deployed as a minimal proxy contract based on EIP1167 or an entire contract with a constructor.


deployProxy defaults to true for both LSP7 and LSP8. If deployProxy is set to false, a full contract with a constructor will be deployed at the latest version.

IPFS Upload Options

You can specify how you want your profile metadata to be uploaded by passing the ipfsGateway inside the options object. Here you can set the IPFS gateway where you want the metadata to be uploaded.


The procedure takes a URL string or an object as defined by the IPFS-HTTP Client library which is used internally to interact with the specified IPFS node.

If a URL is passed and no port is specified, the standard 5001 port will be used.

Passing ipfsGateway URL
lspFactory.LSP7DigitalAsset.deploy({...}, {
ipfsGateway: ''
Passing ipfsGateway URL string with port set
lspFactory.LSP7DigitalAsset.deploy({...}, {
ipfsGateway: '' // No port set. Port 5001 will be used
await lspFactory.LSP7DigitalAsset.deploy({...}, {
ipfsGateway: {
host: '',
port: 5001,
protocol: 'https',

If the ipfsGateway parameter is provided, it will override the ipfsGateway object passed during the instantiation of the LSPFactory for this function call only.

Reactive Deployment

LSPFactory emits events for each step of the deployment process. These events can be hooked into by passing the onDeployEvents object inside of the options object.

The onDeployEvents object takes three callback handler parameters:

  • next will be called once for every deployment event that is fired.
  • complete will be called once after deployment is finished with the completed contract deployment details.
  • error will be called once if an error is thrown during deployment.

This enables LSPFactory to be used for certain reactive behaviors. For example, to give better feedback to users during deployment from a user interface such as a loading bar, or display live updates with the details and addresses of contracts as they are deployed.


The complete callback will be called with the same contracts object which is returned when the deploy function is resolved.

LSP7 Deployment Events

Reactive deployment of an LSP7 Digital Asset
const contracts = lspFactory.LSP7DigitalAsset.deploy({...}, {
onDeployEvents: {
next: (deploymentEvent) => {
error: (error) => {
complete: (contracts) => {
console.log('Digital Asset deployment completed');

contractName: 'LSP7DigitalAsset',
status: 'PENDING',
transaction: {
contractName: 'LSP7DigitalAsset',
status: 'COMPLETE',
contractAddress: '0x97053C386eaa49d6eAD7477220ca04EFcD857dde',
receipt: {
contractName: 'LSP7DigitalAsset',
functionName: 'initialize(string,string,address,bool)',
status: 'PENDING',
transaction: {
contractName: 'LSP7DigitalAsset',
functionName: 'initialize(string,string,address,bool)',
status: 'COMPLETE',
receipt: {
contractName: 'LSP7DigitalAsset',
functionName: 'setDataBatch(bytes32[],bytes[])',
status: 'PENDING',
transaction: {
contractName: 'LSP7DigitalAsset',
functionName: 'setDataBatch(bytes32[],bytes[])',
status: 'COMPLETE',
receipt: {
status: 'PENDING',
contractName: 'LSP7DigitalAsset',
functionName: 'transferOwnership(address)',
transaction: {
contractName: 'LSP7DigitalAsset',
functionName: 'transferOwnership(address)',
status: 'COMPLETE',
receipt: {
Digital Asset deployment completed
address: '0x97053C386eaa49d6eAD7477220ca04EFcD857dde',
receipt: {

LSP8 Deployment Events

Reactive deployment of an LSP8 Identifiable Digital Asset
const contracts = lspFactory.LSP8IdentifiableDigitalAsset.deploy({...}, {
onDeployEvents: {
next: (deploymentEvent) => {
error: (error) => {
complete: (contracts) => {
console.log('Digital Asset deployment completed');

contractName: 'LSP8IdentifiableDigitalAsset',
status: 'PENDING',
transaction: {
contractName: 'LSP8IdentifiableDigitalAsset',
status: 'COMPLETE',
contractAddress: '0x2cA038832c15E61b83d47414Eb53818a45e0E142',
receipt: {
contractName: 'LSP8IdentifiableDigitalAsset',
functionName: 'initialize(string,string,address)',
status: 'PENDING',
transaction: {
contractName: 'LSP8IdentifiableDigitalAsset',
functionName: 'initialize(string,string,address)',
status: 'COMPLETE',
receipt: {
contractName: 'LSP8IdentifiableDigitalAsset',
functionName: 'setDataBatch(bytes32[],bytes[])',
status: 'PENDING',
transaction: {
contractName: 'LSP8IdentifiableDigitalAsset',
functionName: 'setDataBatch(bytes32[],bytes[])',
status: 'COMPLETE',
receipt: {
status: 'PENDING',
contractName: 'LSP8IdentifiableDigitalAsset',
functionName: 'transferOwnership(address)',
transaction: {
contractName: 'LSP8IdentifiableDigitalAsset',
functionName: 'transferOwnership(address)',
status: 'COMPLETE',
receipt: {
Digital Asset deployment completed
address: '0x2cA038832c15E61b83d47414Eb53818a45e0E142',
receipt: {