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Execute Relay Transactions

The LSP6 KeyManager standard enables anybody to execute a transaction on behalf of a Universal Profile, given they have a valid transaction which has been signed by a key that controls the Universal Profile.

Relayed execution enables use cases such as Transaction Relayer Services to be possible where users can send their transaction details to a third party to be executed, moving the gas cost burden away from the user who owns the Universal Profile. This is automatically done by creating a Universal Profile on, where LUKSO subsidizes the onboarding and transactions based on a monthly quota.

Another example would be Alice sending an encoded transaction that updates the LSP3Profile picture of her Universal Profile or brand to a second user, Bob, who executes the transaction and pays the gas cost of the transaction on behalf of Alice.

To execute the transaction, the executing party needs to know:

  • the encoded ABI of the transaction that will get executed,
  • the transaction signature,
  • the nonce of the key that signed the transaction.

The transaction is then executed via the executeRelayCall function of the LSP6 Key Manager.


First, the transaction to be executed by a third party has to be prepared. We will prepare an executeRelayCall transaction to be executed by a third party. This logic can be implemented client-side and then sent to a third-party application or service, such as a Transaction Relay Service.

You will need the following dependencies installed:

npm install ethers @lukso/lsp-smart-contracts @lukso/eip191-signer.js
Execution Rights

To successfully execute a relay call, the address signing the relay transaction will need the EXECUTE_RELAY_CALL permission.

To encode a transaction, we need the address of the Universal Profile smart contract and the private key of a controller key with sufficient LSP6 permissions to execute the transaction.

First, create an instance of the Universal Profile contract and its Key Manager.

import { ethers } from 'ethers';

import UniversalProfileContract from '@lukso/lsp-smart-contracts/artifacts/UniversalProfile.json';
import KeyManagerContract from '@lukso/lsp-smart-contracts/artifacts/LSP6KeyManager.json';
import { EIP191Signer } from '@lukso/eip191-signer.js';

// This is the version relative to the LSP25 standard, defined as 25.
import { LSP25_VERSION } from '@lukso/lsp-smart-contracts/constants';

const provider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider(
const universalProfileAddress = '0x...';
const recipientAddress = '0x...';

// Setup the Universal Profile controller account
const controllerPrivateKey = '0x...';
const controllerAccount = new ethers.Wallet(controllerPrivateKey).connect(

// Setup the contract instance of the Universal Profile
const universalProfile = new ethers.Contract(

// Call the Universal Profile contract to get the Key Manager
const keyManagerAddress = await universalProfile.owner();

// Setup the contract instance of the Key Manager
const keyManager = new ethers.Contract(
Caution when using your controller's private key

Never share your private controller key or upload it to public repositories. Anyone who possesses it can access your funds and assets and gain control over your Universal Profile in case the controller has administrative rights!

Prepare the Relay Call​

After setting up both the Universal Profile and Key Manager of the signing person, we can continue to prepare all the relay call parameters. These are crucial for ensuring secure and authenticated transactions. Here is what you will need:

  • nonce of the controller: Can be retrieved via the getNonce function on the Key Manager associated with the Universal Profile.
  • channelId of the controller: This parameter is essential to avoid nonce conflicts when multiple applications simultaneously send transactions to the same Key Manager. It allows for transactions to be processed in parallel without relying on the order of their arrival. Essentially, the channelId enables a form of transaction queuing and prioritization within the Ke yManager's operation.
  • a validityTimestamp for the transaction: This timestamp indicates the time until the transaction is valid. Using a timestamp prevents the execution of outdated transactions that might no longer reflect the user's intent. For simplicity, a value of 0 can be used, indicating that the transaction does not have a specific expiration time. However, setting an appropriate validityTimestamp for relay transactions with crucial timing brings more security and trust.
  • the payload of the transaction: Before a transaction can be signed, you must define the actual contents and actions that should be operated from the Universal Profile. To get the payload, you must encode the ABI of the transaction. In this example, the transaction payload will be a basic LYX transfer.
Additional Resources

The channel ID, validity timestamp, and transaction payload can have various forms. For more information, refer to:

// ...

const channelId = 0;

// Retrieve the nonce of the EOA controller
const nonce = await keyManager.getNonce(controllerAccount.address, channelId);

const validityTimestamps = 0; // No validity timestamp set
const msgValue = 0; // Amount of native tokens to fund the UP with while calling

// Generate the payload of the transaction
const abiPayload = universalProfile.interface.encodeFunctionData('execute', [
0, // Operation type: CALL
recipientAddress, // Recipient
ethers.parseEther('3'), // transfer 3 LYX to recipient
'0x', // Optional transaction data

Sign the Transaction​

After all transaction parameters have been defined, you can continue to sign the transaction message from the controller key of the Universal Profile.

Additional Resources

For more information regarding signatures, check out our Signing Relay Transactions guide.

The transaction message is constructed by signing the:

  • Version and Address of the Key Manager (keyManagerAddress and keyManagerVersion)
  • Identifier of the blockchain network (chainId)
  • Current nonce of the signing EOA controller (nonce)
  • The transaction validity timestamp (validityTimestamps)
  • Amount of native tokens to fund the UP with while calling (msgValue)
  • The ABI Payload of operations that will be executed (abiPayload)

// Get the network ID
const { chainId } = await provider.getNetwork();

// Encode the Message
const encodedMessage = ethers.solidityPacked(
// Types of the parameters that will be encoded
['uint256', 'uint256', 'uint256', 'uint256', 'uint256', 'bytes'],
// MUST be number `25`
// Encoded value: `0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000019`

// e.g: `4201` for LUKSO Testnet
// Encoded value: `0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001069`

// e.g: nonce number 5 of the signing controller that wants to execute the payload
// Encoded value: `0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000005`

// e.g: valid until 1st January 2025 at midnight (GMT).
// Timestamp = 1735689600
// Encoded value: `0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000067748580`

// e.g: not funding the contract with any LYX (0)
// Encoded value: `0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000`

// e.g: send 3 LYX to address 0xcafecafecafecafecafecafecafecafecafecafe
// by calling execute(uint256,address,uint256,bytes)
// Encoded value: `0x44c028fe00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
// 00000000000000000000000000000000cafecafecafecafecafecafecafecafeca
// fecafecafecafe00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000029a2
// 241af62c0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
// 000000008000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
// 00000000`

// Instantiate EIP191 Signer
const eip191Signer = new EIP191Signer();

const { signature } = await eip191Signer.signDataWithIntendedValidator(

After the signature has been generated, it can be sent to the third party to execute the transaction using executeRelayCall on the Key Manager of the profile. To verify all transaction parts, the third-party will need the following parameters:

  • signature of the transaction payload
  • abiPayload including the operations
  • nonce of the signing controller
  • validityTimestamps of the transaction
  • keyManagerAddress of the signing profile

Execute the Relay Call​


The following section shows how a third party can execute a transaction on behalf of another user.

To execute a previously signed transaction, the ABI payload requires the:

  • signed transaction payload of the original Universal Profile
  • ABI payload of the transaction
  • nonce of the signing signing controller
  • validity timestamps for the execution of the relay call.
  • Key Manager address of the original Universal Profile
Additional Resources

For more information regarding signatures, check out our Signing Relay Transactions guide.

Additional Safety measures

In case the user does not provide the Key Manager address or nonce or you want to proceed with additional safety checks, you can retrieve or cross-check the values by using the Universal Profile address and the EOA controller that was used to signed into the service:

// Call the Universal Profile contract to get the Key Manager
const keyManagerAddress = await universalProfile.owner();

// Retrieve the nonce of the EOA controller
const nonce = await keyManager.getNonce(controllerAccount.address, channelId);

The full code setup can be found in the Prepare Relay Call section and is similar for both, signer and execution service.

After receiving all necessary parameters and performing optional security checks, you can execute the transaction:

import { ethers } from 'ethers';

import KeyManagerContract from '@lukso/lsp-smart-contracts/artifacts/LSP6KeyManager.json';

const provider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider(

* Prepare received parameters:
* keyManagerAddress, signature, nonce
* validityTimestamps, abiPayload

// Setup the Universal Profile controller account
const relayControllerPrivateKey = '0x...';
const relayControllerAccount = new ethers.Wallet(controllerPrivateKey).connect(

// Setup the contract instance of the Key Manager
const keyManager = new ethers.Contract(

const executeRelayCallTransaction = await keyManager
.executeRelayCall(signature, nonce, validityTimestamps, abiPayload);

const receipt = await executeRelayCallTransaction.wait();
console.log('Transaction receipt:', receipt);
Additional Resources

You can find more information about executeRelayCall within the LSP6 Contract Documentation .