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Getting Started


This package is currently in the early stages of development. Feel free to report issues or feature requests through the Github repository.

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The @erc725/erc725.js package allows you to retrieve, encode and decode data easily from any ERC725Y smart contracts using ERC725Y JSON Schemas.



If you install it on the backend side, you may need to also install isomorphic-fetch.

npm install @erc725/erc725.js


If you are using ES6 import statements in Node.js, make sure your file has a .mjs extension, or that your project is set up to support ES6 modules.

There are 3 main ways to use erc725.js.

Option 1: use a schema for encoding / decoding data

Create an instance of ERC725 with just a schema. Useful for just encoding / decoding data.

import ERC725, { ERC725JSONSchema } from '@erc725/erc725.js';

const schemas: ERC725JSONSchema[] = [
name: 'LSP3Profile',
key: '0x5ef83ad9559033e6e941db7d7c495acdce616347d28e90c7ce47cbfcfcad3bc5',
keyType: 'Singleton',
valueType: 'bytes',
valueContent: 'VerifiableURI',

const erc725 = new ERC725(schemas);

Option 2: connect to a smart contract to fetch/decode data

Same as option 1 where you can pass an ERC725Y contract address, an RPC URL and some additional configurations (e.g: IPFS gateway). Useful to fetch and decode data automatically from a contract deployed on a network.

import ERC725, { ERC725JSONSchema } from '@erc725/erc725.js';

// Part of LSP3-Profile-Metadata Schema
const schemas: ERC725JSONSchema[] = [
name: 'SupportedStandards:LSP3Profile',
key: '0xeafec4d89fa9619884b600005ef83ad9559033e6e941db7d7c495acdce616347',
keyType: 'Mapping',
valueType: 'bytes',
valueContent: '0x5ef83ad9',
name: 'LSP3Profile',
key: '0x5ef83ad9559033e6e941db7d7c495acdce616347d28e90c7ce47cbfcfcad3bc5',
keyType: 'Singleton',
valueType: 'bytes',
valueContent: 'VerifiableURI',
name: 'LSP1UniversalReceiverDelegate',
key: '0x0cfc51aec37c55a4d0b1a65c6255c4bf2fbdf6277f3cc0730c45b828b6db8b47',
keyType: 'Singleton',
valueType: 'address',
valueContent: 'Address',
const address = '0x0Dc07C77985fE31996Ed612F568eb441afe5768D';
const RPC_URL = '';
const config = {
ipfsGateway: 'https://YOUR-IPFS-GATEWAY/ipfs/',
gas: 20_000_000, // optional, default is 1_000_000

const erc725 = new ERC725(schemas, address, RPC_URL, config);

Option 3: use specific functions or static methods

You can import specific functions or use static methods from the ERC725 class. Useful to add only specific functionalities to your dApp (e.g: decoding VerifiableURI, encoding dynamic keys).

import {
} from '@erc725/erc725.js';

const someNumber = encodeValueType('uint128', 3);
// 0x00000000000000000000000000000003

const reEncodedVerifiableURI = decodeDataSourceWithHash(
// verification: {
// data: '820464ddfac1bec070cc14a8daf04129871d458f2ca94368aae8391311af6361',
// method: 'keccak256(utf8)',
// source: 'ifps://QmYr1VJLwerg6pEoscdhVGugo39pa6rycEZLjtRPDfW84UAx'
// },

const verifiableURI = encodeDataSourceWithHash(
method: 'keccak256(utf8)',
data: '820464ddfac1bec070cc14a8daf04129871d458f2ca94368aae8391311af6361',
// 0x00006f357c6a0020820464ddfac1bec070cc14a8daf04129871d458f2ca94368aae8391311af6361696670733a2f2f516d597231564a4c776572673670456f73636468564775676f3339706136727963455a4c6a7452504466573834554178


Try it out

Try running the code snippets below within your browser using StackBlitz.

The erc725.js contains multiple functionalities such as reading and decoding data. A full list is available under the Methods page.

For fetching data, it is possible to query one data key (as a string name) or multiple data keys at once by passing an array parameter, as shown below.

await erc725.getOwner();
// > '0x28D25E70819140daF65b724158D00c373D1a18ee'

await erc725.getData('SupportedStandards:LSP3Profile');
'SupportedStandards:LSP3Profile': '0x5ef83ad9'

await erc725.getData(['LSP3Profile', 'SupportedStandards:LSP3Profile']);
LSP3Profile: {
url: 'ipfs://QmXybv2LdJWscy1C6yRKUjvnaj6aqKktZX4g4xmz2nyYj2',
verification: {
data: '0xb4f9d72e83bbe7e250ed9ec80332c493b7b3d73e0d72f7b2c7ab01c39216eb1a',
method: 'keccak256(utf8)'
'SupportedStandards:LSP3Profile': '0x5ef83ad9'

await erc725.fetchData('LSP3Profile'); // downloads and verifies the linked JSON
LSP3Profile: {
LSP3Profile: {
name: 'frozeman',
description: 'The inventor of ERC725 and ERC20...',
links: [
{ title: 'Twitter', url: '' },
{ title: '', url: '' }

After the ERC725 instance has been created, it is still possible to change settings through the options property.

myERC725.options.schema = '<schema>' // change schema
myERC725.options.address '<address>' // change address
myERC725.options.ipfsGateway = '<url>' // used for fetchData(), default: ''
myERC725.options.gas = 20_000_000 // change gas setting

// NOTE: ERC725.provider can not be changed