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Project Timeline

When did LUKSO launch its Testnet?

The LUKSO Testnet was launched on 3 May 2023 at 4:20 PM UTC. It allowed developers to shift their dApps from L16 and test them before going live on the mainnet. The launch also served as a pre-test for mainnet, which went live only 20 days later. The testnet features the same architecture as the mainnet - however, depositing validators requires being whitelisted.

When did LUKSO launch its Mainnet?

The LUKSO Mainnet was launched on 23 May 2023 at 4:20 PM UTC. After starting with a participation rate of 68%, the network's consensus quickly gained momentum and was fully functioning with epochs within the first hour. The participation rate then increased to over 95% within the first week. The network was launched with about 185 nodes distributed globally. LUKSO itself operated none of them.

When was Shapella enabled on Mainnet?

The Shapella update, which is responsible for enabling validator withdrawals, was enabled on the 30th of June 2023, 5 weeks after the initial launch of the LUKSO mainnet happened. A few days after the withdrawals were enabled, the LUKSO mainnet was opened to regular validators coming in due to the LYXe migration.

Previous networks

What was the L14 Testnet?

The L14 was the initial testnet to showcase LUKSOs vision of Universal Profiles. It is maintained by LUKSO and used for the Universal Profile Explorer and The Dematerialised Marketplace, which have already launched multiple digital asset sales. Regarding the tech, L14 still uses outdated ERC725 versions from 2020. Once the profiles and assets are migrated to the mainnet, those assets and profiles will be updated to the latest LSP standardizations.

What was the L15 Testnet?

The L15 was the ephemeral testnet to showcase LUKSOs initial network architecture. The development was started in 2021 and featured the Vanguard and Pandora chains to integrate Proof of Stake into the EVM tech stack. Later, the architecture was aligned with the Ethereum architecture, as the ecosystem quickly shifted focus from sharding to Proof of Stake itself. There was no need for a custom implementation anymore.

What was the L16 Testnet?

The L16 was LUKSOs latest testnet before the LUKSO launch phase. It started as a decentralized network in 2022 and featured the almost final network architecture without slasher functionality. Users could add and run validators nodes and prepare for the mainnet setup. The LUKSO team also went on and did stress tests for transactions and analyzed network behaviors. The community also started developing the first applications and deployed contracts using funds from the faucet.

After the final and consistent LUKSO Testnet release, L16 has been officially deprecated since 15th June 2023. Community members and the team have shut down all nodes and services at the end of September 2023.