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Create an LSP7 Token

This guide will walk you through the process of creating and deploying a custom LSP7 Digital Asset and pre-mint a certain amount of tokens to the token owner. To build a smart contract using LSPs, you can inherit functionality from modular and standardized presets in the @lukso/lsp-smart-contracts library. To learn more about the contract standards itself, please refer to the Contracts section of our documentation.


You can learn about the project setup and Hardhat workflow by checking the Getting Started section.

Create the Token​


For instructions on deploying a contract using the Universal Profile Browser Extension, please refer to the Deploy Contracts Guide for dApp developers.

Code repository

You can find all the contracts and scripts of the guide within our lukso-playground repository.

For our sample deployment of the LSP7 token, we will use the following presets:

  • LSP7Mintable: allow creating new assets on the smart contract.
  • LSP7Burnable: allow tokens to be removed from the supply.

You can then import them within your Solidity contract file:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
pragma solidity ^0.8.9;

import "@lukso/lsp-smart-contracts/contracts/LSP7DigitalAsset/presets/LSP7Mintable.sol";
import "@lukso/lsp-smart-contracts/contracts/LSP7DigitalAsset/extensions/LSP7Burnable.sol";

contract CustomToken is LSP7Mintable, LSP7Burnable {
// your custom token logic ...

After inheriting, the contract expects the mandatory parameters related to the imported standards. In case of LSP7, you must define default token parameters in the constructor of the smart contract, that will be set during the deployment of the contract:

You can specify the parameters and the mint function as seen below.

// ...

contract CustomToken is LSP7Mintable, LSP7Burnable {
string memory tokenName_,
string memory tokenSymbol_,
address tokenContractOwner_,
uint256 lsp4TokenType_,
bool isNonDivisible_
// your custom smart contract logic ...

msg.sender, // deployer will receive initial tokens
20_000 * 10 ** decimals(), // will mint 20k tokens
true, // force parameter
"0x" // optional transaction data

To adjust the parameters of the mint, please have a look at the related LSP7 function documentation. You can find the full documentation for LSP7 and other presets within the Technical ABI Reference.

Compile the Token​

After you've set all mandatory parameters or added custom functionality, you can test and compile the smart contract:

npx hardhat compile

Add the --verbose and --show-stack-traces flags to get further debugging information and gas data.

This is especially important if a lot of functionality is inherited, as the bytecode might succeed the EVM limit of 24k bytes. You can find more information about optimization settings within the Getting Started section.

Deploy the Token​

After the contract file has been successfully compiled, you are ready to create a script to deploy its token on the LUKSO Testnet network. To deploy your token on chain we recommend using a controller and address of a Universal Profile, so your asset will be connected and fetchable from your on-chain persona. Optionally, you can also use a regular Externally Owned Account (EOA).

If you are deploying a contract as Universal Profile, you will have to prepare the payload of the contract deployment:

  1. Encode the constructor parameters
  2. Generate the full bytecode for the contract deployment
Address Generation

You can mimic calling the execute() function on the Universal Profile using staticCall. This address then matches the contract that will later be deployed using the same parameters.

import { ethers } from 'hardhat';
import * as dotenv from 'dotenv';

import LSP0Artifact from '@lukso/lsp-smart-contracts/artifacts/LSP0ERC725Account.json';

// Load environment variables

async function deployToken() {
// UP controller used for deployment
const [deployer] = await ethers.getSigners();
'Deploying contract with Universal Profile controller: ',

// Load the Universal Profile
const universalProfile = await ethers.getContractAtFromArtifact(
process.env.UP_ADDR as string,

// Create custom bytecode for the token deployment
const tokenBytecode = (await ethers.getContractFactory('MyCustomToken'))
const abiEncoder = new ethers.AbiCoder();

// Encode constructor parameters
const encodedConstructorParams = abiEncoder.encode(
['string', 'string', 'address', 'uint256', 'bool'],
'My Custom Token', // token name
'MCT', // token symbol
process.env.UP_ADDR, // token owner
0, // token type = TOKEN
false, // isNonDivisible?

// Add the constructor parameters to the token bytecode
const tokenBytecodeWithConstructor = ethers.concat([
tokenBytecode + encodedConstructorParams,

// Get the address of the custom token contract that will be created
const customTokenAddress = await universalProfile.execute.staticCall(
1, // Operation type: CREATE
ethers.ZeroAddress, // Target: 0x0 as contract will be initialized
0, // Value is empty
tokenBytecodeWithConstructor, // Payload of the contract

// Deploy the contract by the Universal Profile
const tx = await universalProfile.execute(
1, // Operation type: CREATE
ethers.ZeroAddress, // Target: 0x0 as contract will be initialized
0, // Value is empty
tokenBytecodeWithConstructor, // Payload of the contract

// Wait for the transaction to be included in a block
await tx.wait();
console.log('Token deployed at: ', customTokenAddress);

.then(() => process.exit(0))
.catch((error) => {

If you have not yet setup the LUKSO networks and private keys in Hardhat, please check out the previous Getting Started guide for smart contract developers. If you set up the Hardhat configuration, you can execute the deployment script using the following command:

npx hardhat --network luksoTestnet run scripts/deployMyCustomToken.ts

You can check the deployed token address on the Testnet Execution Explorer.

Verify the Token​

In order to verify a contract, you have to create a file with all the constructor arguments that you've set during deployment. The parameters and the compiled contract code are then compared with the payload of the deployed contract. First, create the file with all constructor parameters:

module.exports = [
'My Custom Token', // token name
'MCT', // token symbol
'0x...', // deployer address
0, // token type
false, // divisibility

To verify the deployed token, you can use the blockscout API properties set up within the Getting Started section. If you configured the API, you will be able to run the verification by specifying the token address, paramter file, and network:

npx hardhat verify <myTokenAddress> --constructor-args ./verify/myTokenParameters.ts --network luksoTestnet