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Edit Token Metadata

In this guide, you will learn how to set the metadata of an LSP7 Digital Asset by updating its LSP4Metadata data key when you deploy it.

Code repository

You can find all the contracts, sample metadata, and scripts of the guide within our lukso-playground repository.

Set metadata during contract deployment​


To set the metadata of the digital asset directly on deployment, we will do one single executeBatch transaction using a Universal Profile that first deploys the digital asset, and continues to set the digital asset metadata, as an EOA can not execute batch calls.

The example will use the previous contract from our Create LSP7 Token Guide. However, the process of deploying contracts with metadata is almost equivalent across LSPs. You just have to adjust the contract parameters, schemas, and import the right contract ABIs.

Setup deployment script​

First, set up the deployment script and load the Universal Profile:

import { ethers } from 'hardhat';
import * as dotenv from 'dotenv';

import { ERC725YDataKeys } from '@lukso/lsp-smart-contracts';
import UniversalProfileArtifact from '@lukso/lsp-smart-contracts/artifacts/LSP0ERC725Account.json';

import { ERC725 } from '@erc725/erc725.js';
import LSP4DigitalAssetSchema from '@erc725/erc725.js/schemas/LSP4DigitalAsset.json';

import { lsp4SampleMetadata } from '../consts/LSP4SampleMetadata';

// Load environment variables

// UP controller used for deployment
const [deployer] = await ethers.getSigners();
'Deploying contract with Universal Profile controller: ',

// Load the Universal Profile
const universalProfile = await ethers.getContractAtFromArtifact(
process.env.UP_ADDR as string,
Metadata File

Make sure to exchange the lsp4SampleMetadata with the actual metadata of your asset. You can read more within the Asset Preparation Guide.

Prepare the transaction payloads​

Next, you have to prepare the payload of the different contract calls so the batch transaction can be executed:

  1. Encode the constructor parameters
  2. Generate the bytecode for the contract deployment
  3. Encode the LSP4 metadata
  4. Generate the bytecode for setting the metadata

The erc725.js library can be used to easily encode the LSP4 Metadata and other data keys following the LSP2 ERC725YJSON Schema on the contract.

Address Generation

As the contract is not yet deployed, you have to mimic calling the execute() function on the Universal Profile using staticCall to obtain its future address. To do so, we will pass the contract's bytecode (including its deployment parameters) as the 4th parameter to the execute(...) function.

The erc725.js library can be used to easily encode the LSP4 Metadata and other data keys following the [LSP2 ERC725YJSON Schema](../../standards/generic-standards/lsp2-json-on the contract.

async function deployTokenWithMetadata() {
// Previous code ...

// Create custom bytecode for the token deployment
const tokenBytecode = (await ethers.getContractFactory('MyCustomToken'))
const abiEncoder = new ethers.AbiCoder();

// Encode constructor parameters
const encodedConstructorParams = abiEncoder.encode(
['string', 'string', 'address', 'uint256', 'bool'],
'My Custom Token', // token name
'MCT', // token symbol
process.env.UP_ADDR, // token owner
0, // token type = TOKEN
false, // isNonDivisible?

// Add the constructor parameters to the token bytecode
const tokenBytecodeWithConstructor = ethers.concat([

// Get the address of the custom token contract that will be created
const customTokenAddress = await universalProfile.execute.staticCall(
1, // Operation type: CREATE
ethers.ZeroAddress, // Target: 0x0 as contract will be initialized
0, // Value is empty
tokenBytecodeWithConstructor, // Payload of the contract

// Encode the metadata for deployment
const encodedLSP4Metadata = ERC725.encodeData(

// Set up the token contract
const token = await ethers.getContractAt('MyCustomToken', customTokenAddress);

// Get the ERC725Y data key of LSP4
const metadataKey = ERC725YDataKeys.LSP4['LSP4Metadata'];

// Create the transaction payload for setting storage data
const setLSP4MetadataPayload = token.interface.encodeFunctionData('setData', [

Create the batch transaction​

After the payloads are prepared correctly, you can execute each of them through the executeBatch() function on the Universal Profile. On the first call, you have to set the transaction target to the zero address, to deploy the token contract. The second call will then use the previously generated contract address from the staticCall in order to set the metadata.

async function deployTokenWithMetadata() {
// Previous code ...

// Deploy the contract by the Universal Profile
const tx = await universalProfile.executeBatch(
// Array of Operation types
1, // Operation type: CREATE (Contract deployment)
0, // Operation type: CALL (Set storage key on contract)
ethers.ZeroAddress, // 0x0 as contract will be initialized
customTokenAddress, // Contract address after deployment
[0, 0], // Value is empty for both operations
tokenBytecodeWithConstructor, // Payload for contract deployment
setLSP4MetadataPayload, // Payload for setting a data key on the deployed contract

// Wait for the transaction to be included in a block
await tx.wait();
console.log('Token deployed at: ', customTokenAddress);

Afterwards, you are able to run the deployment script:

npx hardhat --network luksoTestnet run scripts/deployTokenWithMetadataAsUP.ts
Contract Compilation

Make sure that you successfully compiled your contract before executing the deployment script.

The transaction will be signed using the configured controller key. After the deployment, you will be able to check the contract on the Execution Explorer.