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Interact with other contracts

`Examples of interacting with contracts, like minting tokens or refining burntpix.
Examples of interacting with contracts, like minting tokens or refining burntpix.

In this guide, you will learn how to use your Universal Profile to interact with any other smart contract.

You will see from the examples below that there is no difference with writing the code for interacting with regular EOA-based wallet vs using Universal Profile. The code is the same! Simply:

  1. create an instance of the contract you want to interact with.
  2. call the function you want on this contract.
  3. use the πŸ†™ address as { from: "0x..." } in the transaction options.


To complete this guide, we will need some initial constants values and install some dependencies

npm install ethers @lukso/lsp-smart-contracts

Interactions Examples​

Below you will find some examples to perform the following:

  • Mint a free NFT and see it appear in your wallet on
  • Execute a swap on
  • Refine a BurntPix

Example 1 - Mint some Tokens​

`Examples of minting tokens.
import { ethers } from 'ethers';
import LSP7Mintable from '@lukso/lsp-smart-contracts/artifacts/LSP7Mintable.json';


await ethers.provider.send('eth_requestAccounts', []);
const universalProfile = await ethers.getSigner();

const myToken = new ethers.Contract(TOKEN_CONTRACT_ADDRESS, LSP7Mintable.abi);

const mintTxn = await
universalProfile.address, // recipient address
ethers.parseUnits('100', 'ether'), // token amount (mint 100 tokens)
true, // force parameter
'0x', // additional data
from: universalProfile,

const balance = await myToken.balanceOf(signer.address);
console.log('🏦 Balance: ', balance.toString());

Example 2 - Refine a BurntPix​

`Examples of refining a burntpix NFT.
import { ethers } from 'ethers';

// Constants:
// - BurntPix Registry contract to interact with
const BURNT_PIX_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = "0x3983151E0442906000DAb83c8b1cF3f2D2535F82";

// - bytes32 ID of the BurntPix to refine
const BURNT_PIX_ID "0x0000000000000000000000000a3c1ed77de72af03acfaeab282a06e6fbeed5a8";

// 1. Connect to UP Browser Extension
const provider = new ethers.BrowserProvider(window.lukso);

const accounts = await provider.send('eth_requestAccounts', []);
const universalProfile = accounts[0];

// 2. Create an instance of the BurntPix Registry contract
const burntPixRegistry = new ethers.Contract(
["function refine(bytes32 tokenId, uint256 iterations) external"]

// Perform 500 iteration to refine a specific Burnt Pix
await contract.refine(BURNT_PIX_ID, "500", {
from: universalProfile,
gasPrice: ethers.formatUnits("1", 'gwei'),
gasLimit: 15_000_000,