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Connect to a Mini-App

Screenshot 2025-01-27 at 14 15 22

What are Mini-Apps?​

Mini-Apps are dApps that run in an iframe of a parent page that hosts them. You can see examples of Mini-Apps in action on

The Challenge with Mini-Apps​

Traditionally, users would need to connect to each Mini-App individually through:

  • Connect buttons
  • Web3 modals
  • WalletConnect processes

This makes the user experience cumbersome.

Introducing the UP Provider​

The up-provider solves this by giving Mini-Apps a way for the user visiting the parent page, to connect to the Mini-App directly with one-click.

Additionally, the Mini-App has access to context addresses, which in the case of is the Universal Profile under which the Mini-App is hosted in the Grid.

The up-provider is a EIP-1193 compatible provider, meaning it will work with all major web3 libraries. For examples using viem, web3.js or ethers, see the readme of the up-provider.


npm install @lukso/up-provider

Example implementation using React​

Here's a step-by-step guide to implement UP Provider connection in your React application:

  1. First, import the necessary dependencies:
import { createClientUPProvider } from '@lukso/up-provider';
  1. Create a provider instance outside your component:
const provider = createClientUPProvider();
  1. To implement the UP Provider connection in your component, you can use the following code:
// Track connected accounts
const [accounts, setAccounts] = useState<Array<`0x${string}`>>([]);
const [contextAccounts, setContextAccounts] = useState<Array<`0x${string}`>>(
const [profileConnected, setProfileConnected] = useState(false);

// Helper to check connection status
const updateConnected = useCallback(
(_accounts: Array<`0x${string}`>, _contextAccounts: Array<`0x${string}`>) => {
setProfileConnected(_accounts.length > 0 && _contextAccounts.length > 0);

useEffect(() => {
async function init() {
try {
const _accounts = provider.accounts as Array<`0x${string}`>;

const _contextAccounts = provider.contextAccounts;
updateConnected(_accounts, _contextAccounts);
} catch (error) {
console.error('Failed to initialize provider:', error);

// Handle account changes
const accountsChanged = (_accounts: Array<`0x${string}`>) => {
updateConnected(_accounts, contextAccounts);

const contextAccountsChanged = (_accounts: Array<`0x${string}`>) => {
updateConnected(accounts, _accounts);


// Set up event listeners
provider.on('accountsChanged', accountsChanged);
provider.on('contextAccountsChanged', contextAccountsChanged);

// Cleanup listeners
return () => {
provider.removeListener('accountsChanged', accountsChanged);
provider.removeListener('contextAccountsChanged', contextAccountsChanged);
}, [accounts[0], contextAccounts[0], updateConnected]);

Understanding the Implementation​

Provider Creation​

The createClientUPProvider() function creates a new instance of the UP Provider. This should be done outside your component to maintain a single instance.

State variables​

This implementation gives you access to:

  • accounts: Array of connected accounts, in our case the universal profile of the visitor
  • contextAccounts: Array of context accounts, which in our case is the universal profile on where the mini-app is hosted under.
  • profileConnected: Boolean indicating if a user is connected to the mini-app

Event Handling​

The provider emits two important events:

  • accountsChanged: Triggered when the connected accounts change, this is universal profile of the visitor
  • contextAccountsChanged: Triggered when the context accounts change, this is the universal profile on where the mini-app is hosted under.


Clean up the event listeners when unmounting to prevent memory leaks.