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πŸ§ͺ Testing Mini-Apps Locally

To test Mini-Apps in action on Universal Everything, we need to expose our Mini-App to an URL that can be accessed by the UP Provider.

We will be using localtunnel for this purpose.

Install localtunnel​

Install localtunnel globally to access it from any directory.

npm install -g localtunnel

Run localtunnel​

In a new terminal window, run the following command:

lt --port <PORT> // localhost port that your Mini-App is running on (e.g. 3000)

Running the command will generate a random URL. Initial visit to this URL will ask for a password, you can use your IP address to access your Mini-App.



If you don't have your IP address in hand, you can visit the URL on the page to retrieve it.

Test your Mini-App on Universal Everything​

Go to your Universal Profile on Universal Everything, and add your Mini-App with using the provided URL to your Grid.