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Transaction Relay Service API Standard


This standard is for an API off-chain to create a relay service. For the on-chain part on how to construct message for relay transactions, see LSP25 Execute Relay Call.

Relayer API

To access our Relayer API, see our Relayer Developer Access page.

POST /execute

Executes a signed transaction on behalf of a Universal Profile using executeRelayCall().

  • Use signed message provided in request for authentication.
  • Calculate and return the transaction hash in response.
Request body
"address": "0xBB645D97B0c7D101ca0d73131e521fe89B463BFD", // Address of the Universal Profile
"transaction": {
"abi": "0x7f23690c5ef83ad9559033e6e941db7d7c495acdce616347d28e90c7ce47cbfcfcad3bc5000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000596f357c6aa5a21984a83b7eef4cb0720ac1fcf5a45e9d84c653d97b71bbe89b7a728c386a697066733a2f2f516d624b43744b4d7573376741524470617744687a32506a4e36616f64346b69794e436851726d3451437858454b00000000000000",
"signature": "0x43c958b1729586749169599d7e776f18afc6223c7da21107161477d291d497973b4fc50a724b1b2ab98f3f8cf1d5cdbbbdf3512e4fbfbdc39732229a15beb14a1b",
"nonce": 1 // KeyManager nonce
"transactionHash": "0xBB645D97B0c7D101ca0d73131e521fe89B463BFD"

POST /quota

Returns the available quota left for a registered Universal Profile.

  • signature is the message value signed by a controller key with the SIGN permission of the Universal Profile. The hash to sign should be calculated as EIP-712 hash where the message is keccack256(address, timestamp). Make sure that no matter the language or platform timestamp is of type int, int256, uint or uint256. In the backend the message is reconstructed using soliditysha3() to verify the signature.

Web3.js and ethers.js both automatically hash when using their native sign functions. This may need to be done manually if using a different library.

  • timestamp in seconds. Must be now +/- 5 seconds.
How to generate and verify the signature.
import { soliditySha3 } from 'web3-utils';
import Web3 from 'web3';

const address = '0x1234...'; // The Universal Profile address
const timestamp = Math.round( / 1000);

const message = soliditySha3(address, timestamp);

* Generate the signature - client side
const web3 = new Web3();
const privateKey = '0x123...'; // The private key of the EOA which has SIGN permission over the Universal Profile defined in address.
const signature = web3.eth.accounts.sign(message, privateKey).signature;
// 👉 This signature is used in the request payload.

* Verify the signature - relayer side
const signer = web3.eth.accounts.recover(message, signature.signature); // Signer will be the EOA that has signed the message.
// You need to verify if this EOA has a SIGN permission on the Universal Profile defined in address.

To verify if the signature was signed by an authorized EOA, please refer to the Sign-In With Ethereum guide.

Request body
"address": "0xBB645D97B0c7D101ca0d73131e521fe89B463BFD",
"timestamp": 1656408193,
"signature": "0xf480c87a352d42e49112257cc6afab0ff8365bb769424bb42e79e78cd11debf24fd5665b03407d8c2ce994cf5d718031a51a657d4308f146740e17e15b9747ef1b"
"quota": 1543091, // You have YYY left
"unit": "gas", // could be "lyx", "transactionCount"
"totalQuota": 5000000, // total gas for the month
"resetDate": 1656408193
  • quota shows available balance left in units defined by unit.
  • unit could be gas, lyx or transactionCount depending on the business model.
  • totalQuota reflects total limit. i.e. available + used quota since reset.
  • resetDate gives date that available quota will reset, e.g. a monthly allowance.

Quota systems could also use a Pay As You Go model, in which case totalQuota and resetData can be omitted.
