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LSP26 - Follower System

Standard Document


LSP26 introduces a Follower System that allows any address — whether it's a smart contract account like an ERC725Account, or even an Externally Owned Account (EOA) — to participate in a decentralized social graph.

What does this standard represent?

LSP26 defines a smart contract registry that maintains two crucial lists for each participating address:

  1. Follows: A list of addresses that an address is following.
  2. Followers: A list of addresses that follow an address.

This system provides a foundation for social features in blockchain applications, enabling developers to create more engaging and interconnected user experiences.


The LSP26 Follower System is implemented as a smart contract with the following key functions:

Core Functions

  • follow(address addr): Allows an address to follow another address.
  • unfollow(address addr): Allows an address to unfollow another address.
  • followBatch(address[] memory addresses): Enables following multiple addresses in a single transaction.
  • unfollowBatch(address[] memory addresses): Enables unfollowing multiple addresses in a single transaction.

Query Functions

  • isFollowing(address follower, address addr): Checks if one address is following another.
  • followerCount(address addr): Returns the number of followers for an address.
  • followingCount(address addr): Returns the number of addresses an address is following.
  • getFollowsByIndex(address addr, uint256 startIndex, uint256 endIndex): Retrieves a paginated list of addresses that an address is following.
  • getFollowersByIndex(address addr, uint256 startIndex, uint256 endIndex): Retrieves a paginated list of followers for an address.


  • Follow(address follower, address addr): Emitted when an address starts following another.
  • Unfollow(address unfollower, address addr): Emitted when an address unfollows another.

LSP1 Integration

LSP26 integrates with LSP1-UniversalReceiver to notify addresses when they are followed or unfollowed:

  • When following: Calls universalReceiver with typeId: keccak256('LSP26FollowerSystem_FollowNotification')
  • When unfollowing: Calls universalReceiver with typeId: keccak256('LSP26FollowerSystem_UnfollowNotification')

This integration allows for real-time reactions to follower changes, enhancing the interactive capabilities of LSP26-compatible addresses.


The official LSP26 Follower System contract is deployed at 0xf01103E5a9909Fc0DBe8166dA7085e0285daDDcA on the LUKSO mainnet. This address is consistent across different EVM-compatible networks when deployed using the Nick Factory contract.

Example Use-Cases


  • Establish an on-chain follower system for addresses
  • Enable decentralized curation of social connections
  • Provide a foundation for social features in blockchain applications
  1. Social Media Dapps: Build decentralized social platforms with follower/following functionality.
  2. Content Curation: Create personalized content feeds based on followed addresses.
  3. Reputation Systems: Develop trust or influence metrics based on follower counts and relationships.
  4. Follow protocols: Allow addresses of protocols to be followed, and protocols to react on following addresses.

LSP26 Follower System provides a robust foundation for building social features into blockchain applications. By standardizing how following relationships are managed on-chain, it opens up new possibilities for decentralized social interactions and user-centric experiences in the Web3 ecosystem.