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About Grid Providers

Developers can use Grid Providers to host and connect mini-apps on their pages.

Grid Providers

Mini-apps can be hosted on a parent page by passing UP connections to a parent provider like window.ethereum.

import { UPClientChannel, createUPProviderConnector } from '@lukso/up-provider';

// Pass in the provider you want the page to use.
const providerConnector = createUPProviderConnector(originalProvider, [
// or later on call
// globalProvider.setupProvider(originalProvider, [''])

providerConnector.on('channelCreated', ({ channel, id }) => {
// Called when an iframe connects.
// then channel can control the connection.
// Usually you would store this in a ref and use it within a dialog to control the connection.

// for example
channel.enabled = true;
// The addresses and chainId it will cause addressChanged and chainChanged events on the client provider.
channel.setAllowedAccounts([profileAddress, ...extraAddresses]);