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Read Universal Profile Data

Universal Profile example on
A Universal Profile as seen on


The full code of this example can be found in the ðŸ‘ū lukso-playground repository.

Universal Profile Explorer

The explorer on ðŸ”Ū indexes all deployed Universal Profiles on the LUKSO network. You can try out the following examples with any Universal Profile address.


To easily interact with a profile you should use the ⚒ïļ erc725.js library. It is able to fetch and encode profile and contract data easily. You can install it in your project using:

npm install @erc725/erc725.js

Get all profile data keys​


🔍 You can inspect a profile smart contract (or any ERC725 contract) using 🔎 ERC725 Inspect to see all its 🗂ïļ ERC725Y data keys.

LSP3 - Profile Metadata describes the data in the Universal Profile contract's ERC725Y data storage. You can get the content of these data keys directly using the ⚒ïļ erc725.js library. 👇

  • SupportedStandards:LSP3Profile verifies that the ERC725Y contract contains LSP3Profile data keys
  • LSP3Profile contains the JSON file with profile descriptions and images
  • LSP12IssuedAssets[] contains assets the profile issued
  • LSP5ReceivedAssets[] contains assets the profile received
  • LSP1UniversalReceiverDelegate contains the address of the Universal Receiver Delegate smart contract

To read the profile data you simply instantiate the ⚒ïļ erc725.js library with your profile address, an RPC provider (web3, ethereum, ethers) or plain RPC URL, and an IPFS gateway. You can find RPC URLs for LUKSO networks on the network pages: mainnet / testnet.

The getData() function allows you to get all data keys that are stored on the profile smart contract and in your provided JSON schema.

import { ERC725 } from '@erc725/erc725.js';
import lsp3ProfileSchema from '@erc725/erc725.js/schemas/LSP3ProfileMetadata.json';

const erc725js = new ERC725(lsp3ProfileSchema, '<myProfileAddress>', '',
ipfsGateway: '',

// Get all profile data keys of the smart contract
const profileData = await erc725js.getData();

You can give it a try with this profile address: <myProfileAddress> = 0xE1F684655e4e688CCF72d88F028c62EC3B1046CC.

Show result
key: '0xeafec4d89fa9619884b600005ef83ad9559033e6e941db7d7c495acdce616347',
name: 'SupportedStandards:LSP3Profile',
value: '0x5ef83ad9',
key: '0x5ef83ad9559033e6e941db7d7c495acdce616347d28e90c7ce47cbfcfcad3bc5',
name: 'LSP3Profile',
value: {
hashFunction: 'keccak256(utf8)',
hash: '0x9b54d921f8365353667cabc331aa0c1dd42f173a6b7d871f7d94ac2cf226eafa',
url: 'ipfs://QmaXQSZFoUPM43kND6EUPSnJF7NjpkW9LwW6J9vRki5QDh',
key: '0x7c8c3416d6cda87cd42c71ea1843df28ac4850354f988d55ee2eaa47b6dc05cd',
name: 'LSP12IssuedAssets[]',
value: [],
key: '0x6460ee3c0aac563ccbf76d6e1d07bada78e3a9514e6382b736ed3f478ab7b90b',
name: 'LSP5ReceivedAssets[]',
value: [
key: '0x0cfc51aec37c55a4d0b1a65c6255c4bf2fbdf6277f3cc0730c45b828b6db8b47',
name: 'LSP1UniversalReceiverDelegate',
value: '0x0000000000F49F9818D746b4b999A9E449F675bb',
ERC725Y JSON schemas

The ⚒ïļ erc725.js library works with ERC725Y JSON schemas. These schemas are JSON structures that tell developers and programs how to decode and encode 🗂ïļ ERC725Y data keys. You need to load the required schemas of the data keys you want to fetch when initializing the ERC725 class. The most common schemas are available in erc725.js.

You can also create and load your own ERC725Y JSON schemas if you want to add custom data keys to the profile.

Fetch the Profile Metadata​

If you only need the contents of the profile data JSON file, you can use fetchData('LSP3Profile'). This will download the JSON file and verify its hash automatically.

// ...

// Download and verify the profile metadata JSON file
const profileMetaData = await erc725js.fetchData('LSP3Profile');
Show result
"key": "0x5ef83ad9559033e6e941db7d7c495acdce616347d28e90c7ce47cbfcfcad3bc5",
"name": "LSP3Profile",
"value": {
"LSP3Profile": {
"name": "johann",
"description": "I'm a 40 y-old dad of 3. Technology enthusiast, skater, guitarist but mostly curious.",
"tags": [
"links": [
"title": "...",
"url": "..."
"profileImage": [
"width": 1512,
"height": 1998,
"hashFunction": "keccak256(bytes)",
"hash": "0x...",
"url": "ipfs://..."
"backgroundImage": [
"width": 1512,
"height": 1998,
"hashFunction": "keccak256(bytes)",
"hash": "0x...",
"url": "ipfs://..."
get and fetch

The getData(...) function only retrieves the data keys values from the smart contract. In comparison, fetchData(...) will download and decode the content of VerifiableURI.

Fetch Assets and Universal Receiver​

Instead of using the LSP3Profile key, you can also use other data keys like LSP12IssuedAssets[], LSP5ReceivedAssets[], or LSP1UniversalReceiverDelegate, as described in the following example:

// ...

// Fetch all of the profile's issued assets
const issuedAssetsDataKey = await erc725js.fetchData('LSP12IssuedAssets[]');

// Fetch all owned assets of the profile
const receivedAssetsDataKey = await erc725js.fetchData('LSP5ReceivedAssets[]');

// Fetch the profile's universal receiver
const universalReceiverDataKey = await erc725js.fetchData('LSP1UniversalReceiverDelegate');
Show result
// Issued Assets (empty, no current assets)
key: '0x7c8c3416d6cda87cd42c71ea1843df28ac4850354f988d55ee2eaa47b6dc05cd',
name: 'LSP12IssuedAssets[]',
value: []

// Owned Assets (Six individual assets)
key: '0x6460ee3c0aac563ccbf76d6e1d07bada78e3a9514e6382b736ed3f478ab7b90b',
name: 'LSP5ReceivedAssets[]',
value: [

// Universal Receiver Delegate (0x0...75bb)
key: '0x0cfc51aec37c55a4d0b1a65c6255c4bf2fbdf6277f3cc0730c45b828b6db8b47',
name: 'LSP1UniversalReceiverDelegate',
value: '0x0000000000F49F9818D746b4b999A9E449F675bb'